Sunday, September 27, 2009


Today, Austin started CCD. We all went in there with him, showed him his class and...... HE started to cry! Allen and I where very mad at first. Cause Austin knew that he had to go in there. So, we stood in the hall while the class started. My teacher from RCIA came down the hall and said Hello to Austin and I. And I told Austin that that was my teacher, so I think that it made him feel a little better. So, then we both walked into the class and took a seat. He saw a few kids from school and one from Football. He was so happy and said next week he will go in by himself. I couldn't have been more proud!! Then we all went to church even the "Ryon's" came with us! Austin and Carter where well behaved in Mass today.. I was so Surprised!
This afternoon the Skins played the Lions... And lost. We aren't to happy about that either. Allen and I think that they need to fire Zorn, and Campbell. Well Austin has school tomorrow so I have to get him and Carter dinner then its bath time. It's always an Adventure!

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