Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Not a good day

Hello! So, this is how our day started.... Carter woke up with a fever of 100.1. He was so hot, and was miserable. So, I gave him Motrin, and he went back to sleep. Then Allen calls saying that he tried to throw something out of his car window and opened the back one instead... And guess what?? He busted his driver side window.! Well its 1130 am, and Carter is feeling a lot better. No fever, and he is just running around and getting into things. Like usual. And we are watching Finding Nemo.!
So, now its 110 pm. Carter just had lunch about an hour ago... And he threw it up in the living room floor! Yuck! I just talked to my BFF Junell! Happy Birthday Sweetie(if your reading this) I love you tons!! Sorry I had to cut the call short.. Cause Carter vomited! Poor thing.
Austin has Football practice tonight. I may stay home with Carter cause if he has something I don't need him spreading his germs!

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