Friday, September 25, 2009


This morning-Austin woke up and saw that the Tooth Fairy had visited. He comes to me and says look at what I got! He says "I'm going to put it in the "Disney Fund" jar, because its only a Dollar! He then proceeded to tell me "if it was more I would have kept it"! Silly Kid. So, then I told him that the Tooth Fairy had also been hit by the Recession! He just walked away and ignored me! HA HA

This Afternoon- The kids decided that they wanted to take all the cushions off the couch and jump all over them... Until Diesel wanted to play, then they stopped and listened to me when I said its time to put them away. Then the dog decided he wanted to give Austin a "piggyback ride", he freaked out and said "GET THIS DOG OFF OF ME NOW"!!!
Then I had to give Carter a bath because he had lunch all over his face. While he was in there he was laying back trying to say Relax, but it was coming out "WEWAX"!! It was so cute! Hope you like the picture of him..

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