Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Austin has an early dismissal today at school. So, he will be home at 2:30, and loves the fact that hes home before Dad! Carter and I are doing laundry today and playing till Austin gets home. Then I am taking the boys to the Library. They love it so much. Then later tonight some guys are coming to fix Allen's window in the "Hoopty"!! Then I have RCIA class at 7 till 830. Which I am looking forward to every week now. It's a break from Allen and the Kids, even though I wish I where home with them. But I am learning new things, which I also like. Ok well I am signing off here. Lots to do today. Hope you like the pics posted below!
Austin & Carter with their new Hair cuts! So, Cute!

Carter trying on Hats at the store!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Not a good day

Hello! So, this is how our day started.... Carter woke up with a fever of 100.1. He was so hot, and was miserable. So, I gave him Motrin, and he went back to sleep. Then Allen calls saying that he tried to throw something out of his car window and opened the back one instead... And guess what?? He busted his driver side window.! Well its 1130 am, and Carter is feeling a lot better. No fever, and he is just running around and getting into things. Like usual. And we are watching Finding Nemo.!
So, now its 110 pm. Carter just had lunch about an hour ago... And he threw it up in the living room floor! Yuck! I just talked to my BFF Junell! Happy Birthday Sweetie(if your reading this) I love you tons!! Sorry I had to cut the call short.. Cause Carter vomited! Poor thing.
Austin has Football practice tonight. I may stay home with Carter cause if he has something I don't need him spreading his germs!

Monday, September 28, 2009


Today was a pretty normal day in the Berkeley House. Sent Austin off to school, I started the daily housework, and played with Carter. We then took Uncle David home, and went to the Library. Carter loves the Library. And he always has to say Hello to everyone and not in an inside voice either! Then we get home and I fed Carter lunch, which always the fun part of the day cause he plays in his food and is so creative! He also put his snack and cup on top of his head and called it a Hat! Then an hour later the poor thing started running a fever. 100.3 I gave him Motrin, and he took a nap for three hours. He seems to be ok now but I have a feeling that that fever will spike in the middle of the night like usual. Wish us luck!

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Today, Austin started CCD. We all went in there with him, showed him his class and...... HE started to cry! Allen and I where very mad at first. Cause Austin knew that he had to go in there. So, we stood in the hall while the class started. My teacher from RCIA came down the hall and said Hello to Austin and I. And I told Austin that that was my teacher, so I think that it made him feel a little better. So, then we both walked into the class and took a seat. He saw a few kids from school and one from Football. He was so happy and said next week he will go in by himself. I couldn't have been more proud!! Then we all went to church even the "Ryon's" came with us! Austin and Carter where well behaved in Mass today.. I was so Surprised!
This afternoon the Skins played the Lions... And lost. We aren't to happy about that either. Allen and I think that they need to fire Zorn, and Campbell. Well Austin has school tomorrow so I have to get him and Carter dinner then its bath time. It's always an Adventure!

Friday, September 25, 2009


This morning-Austin woke up and saw that the Tooth Fairy had visited. He comes to me and says look at what I got! He says "I'm going to put it in the "Disney Fund" jar, because its only a Dollar! He then proceeded to tell me "if it was more I would have kept it"! Silly Kid. So, then I told him that the Tooth Fairy had also been hit by the Recession! He just walked away and ignored me! HA HA

This Afternoon- The kids decided that they wanted to take all the cushions off the couch and jump all over them... Until Diesel wanted to play, then they stopped and listened to me when I said its time to put them away. Then the dog decided he wanted to give Austin a "piggyback ride", he freaked out and said "GET THIS DOG OFF OF ME NOW"!!!
Then I had to give Carter a bath because he had lunch all over his face. While he was in there he was laying back trying to say Relax, but it was coming out "WEWAX"!! It was so cute! Hope you like the picture of him..

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Hello to everyone reading this...
Austin lost his second tooth tonight! He is so excited about it too! I think that Carter was a little confused about the whole thing. Austin came to me with his tooth. And Carter was staring at it for a good two minutes?! It was just the cutest thing ever!! Now they are cuddling in the rocking chair watching cartoons, and Austin is singing to Carter Rockabye Baby!!