Monday, October 5, 2009

Re-Cap of the Weekend.

Saturday Austin had Football Pictures and a Game. Which they won 26-0. And now The "Mechanicsville Braves" are 4-0!! We took the boys to Checkers for lunch and Austin was amazed how you can pull up in two lanes, and how the window was on the passenger side. The kid is a trip! Then poor Carter wasn't feeling good, his Two year old Molars are coming in, and he wasn't having a good day! Poor thing he cried all the way home from Hollywood.
We got them home safely and Austin wanted to play and Carter wanted to play also. So, I think that he was feeling a little better. Sunday we all got up early and went to Mass, then Austin had CCD he started to cry a little till he got to the class and saw his friend from Football. His class is 50 minutes long, so we had to take Carter to 7-11 while we waited for Austin. Then we came home let Austin play and Carter took a nap. Then the Skins came on.... and finally pulled it together to get a win! So, that was our recap of the weekend. :)

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