Friday, October 9, 2009

Re-Cap of week 10/5-10/9

So this week was all to normal, no big excitement. Austin had practice tues and thurs night. And it is getting cold here at night, so I don't take Carter out anymore. So, Allen has Carter tues,wed,and thurs nights.. And I know he just loves every minute of it! haha. I also have to throw this in there. Yesterday morning Austin was getting ready for school and Carter was bothering him by talking a lot! And Austin said to him"Hush it baby", and Carter says back to him "NO AUSTIN", and smacked at him! That just made my day!! Only because Austin is always picking on his little brother, and I knew someday it would come. Nothing much going on this weekend with the boys. Austin does not have a Football game, and its supposed to be raining saturday anyhow. And we will be watching the Skins on Sunday. Hopefully we can pull off another win!

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